Do I Need Dental Implants?


What are dental implants?

A dental implant acts as an artificial tooth root for missing teeth. More from this dentist. Constructed from fine titanium rods, the dental implant is fitted into a pre-drilled socket in your jawbone.

After a period of healing, which gives the implant time to settle, we can implement the new restorative tooth, which enables better function and aesthetics.

Advantages include:

  • It can protect your gum from plaque, reducing the chances of gum disease.
  • A dental implant aims to help support your facial structure and keep your teeth aligned.
  • It can help correct an uneven bite, restoring your ability to bite and chew.
  • An implant can revitalise your appearance and help restore confidence in your smile.
  • It can last for more than 25 years.

How do dental implants work?

Implant dentistry is often the most straightforward solution to restoring the stability and aesthetics of the mouth.

Often, single implants are recommended when a single tooth is lost or if a heavily decayed tooth needs to be extracted.

As the new “fake” tooth is made of porcelain, notice the differences between natural teeth and implant teeth.

First, the implant, made of titanium, is inserted into the bone, which acts as a complete replica of natural tooth roots.

The surgery is very straightforward, taking only a few hours to complete.

However, we cannot load the porcelain crown immediately as we need to wait for a healing period.

How long does implant treatment take?

  • The surgery: 1-2 hours per implant
  • The healing period: Min 3 months

However, the price of a single implant can be expensive – choosing a clinic that is value for money while providing the best possible care can be difficult.

Look no further than, Dorset Dental Clinic for dental implant treatment.

With implants starting from £2000 per tooth –  exceptional implant care at great prices!

Missing teeth problems

A missing tooth can cause several oral health issues:

  1. Eating and chewing difficultiesWhen your ability to eat and chew is affected by a missing tooth, this can cause your remaining teeth to be overused, leading to their longevity being reduced.
  2. Gum disease: Losing a tooth can lead to excessive plaque build-up. If left untreated, you can develop periodontitis, characterised by pockets in your gums opening up and subsequently damaging your jaw bone.
  3. Tooth misalignments: A missing tooth can cause neighbouring teeth to misalign and, in turn, affect your ability to bite. Having an uneven bite will pressure the surrounding teeth and weaken them.
  4. Loss of confidence & low self-esteem: The absence of a tooth can affect your trust and lead to social anxiety, especially if the missing tooth is part of your sociable six (front teeth and four bottom teeth).

Worrying tooth loss effects

  • Psychological and low self-esteem issues
  • Problems chewing
  • Surrounding teeth take on more pressure, making other teeth wobbly or crumble.
  • Gum disease can form
  • Impair your speech ability
  • Loss of bone (you must have sufficient jawbone)
  • Neighbouring teeth can drift or move



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